
Nikolaj believes in the power of films to improve the human capacity for compassion.

With a background as a conceptually driven creative director, a student of acting in Barcelona, an actor in quite a few Spanish and German commercials, Nikolaj has a knack for conveying emotions with visual impact. 

Nikolaj has been involved in film productions in many parts of the world. From his current base in Copenhagen he will travel anywhere and is able to direct in English, Spanish and Danish.

Nikolaj is responsible for directing “IKEA’s weirdest ad yet” according to Fast Company His latest short film as writer and director “The Drama of the Drama” received two nominations at the Young Director Award in Cannes 2021 and won a silver at 1.4 Film Festival in London ahead of a film from Nike(!).

He now spends every hour of every day working towards the goal of becoming a full-time filmmaker and has just completed a bachelor in Script Development at the University of Southern Denmark. He is over the moon about getting the highest possible grade for his final project – a thriller series about political disinformation.

Reach out if you have a project you’d like to discuss.
